Lighter have worked closely with PGG Wrightson to visit and upgrade multiple stores that had poor and inefficient lighting.
PGG Wrightson Limited is an NZX listed agricultural supply business based in New Zealand. It is one of the major suppliers to the agricultural sector in New Zealand providing products such as seeds, grains, livestock, irrigation, farm equipment, insurance and financing.
Lighter have worked closely with PGG Wrightson to visit and upgrade multiple stores that had poor and inefficient lighting. The stores have had amazing results through the lighting upgrades and have received great feedback from their customers and staff.
This project spanned several years and involved working with a local manufacturer to design an ultra efficient LED light specific to the clients needs.
Ultra efficient lights and utilising the latest wireless technology meant TIL freight had a return of investment of only 1.45 years and an annual net saving of $40,845.00.
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