Aramex achieved an exceptional return on investment of only 2.1 years and an annual net saving of $19,124.
Aramex is a NASDAQ listed multinational logistics, courier and package delivery company.
The Canterbury branch opted to upgrade its lighting and invested in the latest lighting and wireless technology available to maximise return on investment while also increasing employee productivity and safety.
What we did
By utilising the latest wireless lighting technology, Aramex was able to dramatically reduce operating costs of lighting in key areas of the building. This is through a combination of light sensing to adjust lighting output depending on the amount of light in room spaces as well as occupancy sensing so the lighting shuts down if no one is present in the area.
Aramex was able to attain an exceptional return of investment of only 2.1 years and an annual net saving of $19,124 per annum. Courier productivity has increased as warehouse picking and sorting is now faster, largely as a result of better lighting and optical control to ensure key areas are lit to optimise visibility.
Lighter worked with O'Briens Christchurch and designed a lighting layout to optimise their factory and production.
Implemented changes led to a 40% boost in light output in specific areas and achieved estimated annual savings of $25,000.
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